Application Modernisation
Maximise your investment in core software assets and gain agility. When considering all the options to modernise your applications, the challenge is not only to deliver new capability cost effectively, it’s to also to deliver rapidly. This allows your organisation to minimise the time to value creation as well as setting your business up for long term success.
Modernisation enables the reuse of software assets, incorporating flexibility to make quick changes regularly and eliminating as much technical debt as possible. If building modern digital capability in your core systems is not done right, it becomes tomorrow’s problem.
Leverage our advisory expertise in application modernisation to assist you in formulating the optimal strategy for achieving your business outcomes. Experieco has developed several modernisation methodologies that can be used individually or jointly to provide the best approach for your unique requirements.
Are your applications still fit for purpose?
Many businesses persist with outdated applications that no longer fully support their business objectives. Modernisation can be crucial to delivering new digital products and services with better user experiences. It also allows you to harness new technologies, reduce customisations, implement integrations to automate processes, or speed up the time-to-value for incremental changes. These changes can support your ongoing business capability and maintain your competitive advantage.

Why modernise?
Increase efficiency
Stabilise legacy systems
Reduce maintenance costs
Improve user experience
Avoid legacy skill dependencies
Reduce user training costs
Make systems more scalable
Enhance security
Reduce data centre costs
Improve speed of change
Lower costs of change
Easier to deliver new services or products
Enable mobile app integration to automate functions
Reduce technical debt constraints
Experieco Application Modernisation Approaches
Using a variety of approaches, Experieco can modernise part or all of your applications, making them more agile and responsive to changing business needs while leveraging your prior systems investment.
These approaches may include one or more of the following:
Modernisation Approaches
Vendor supported package
May be good value if high degree of fit
Can be fast time to value
May benefit from a product roadmap of enhanced features.
Modern APIs may enable custom application enhancements (outside of product)
Functional gaps may significantly limit business value
Dependence on vendor to enhance and maintain
Usually poor digital user experience (B2E) and not suited for B2C customer engagement
Ongoing licensing costs can be high
Can be tailored to meet the business and technical needs
Enables full control of application designs, functionality/capability
Time, cost, risk and impact to the business
Leverage existing core backend capability
Achieve tailored UX and new functionality
Fast time to benefit
De-risk system change within business
API’s may not be available and require development
Development and integration complexity