“Every successful organisation has to make the transition from a world defined primarily by repetition to one primarily defined by change. This is the biggest transformation in the structure of how humans work together since the Agricultural Revolution.”
Source: Bill Drayton, Social Entrepreneur
To deliver rapid software development in support of digital transformation many software service companies have historically developed unique IP around design, development and implementation processes. These offerings utilise a range of tools developed out of UX, Agile and Design Thinking best practices and provide tremendous value to clients. Executed well these clever processes can drive positive increases in development speed and creativity. Process refinements alone though have limitations, and even the best execution of these processes by highly skilled individuals cannot increase traditional coding speed by a factor of 2-4 times. To attain the development velocity of 2-4 times that of traditional development an entirely different approach needs to be taken.
This is where the Experieco digital factory comes into play.
Experieco utilises the worlds market leading enterprise low-code platform from OutSystems combined with our low-code factory methodologies to rapidly develop solutions for customers in days and weeks rather than months and years.

The Experieco digital factory takes into consideration with significantly increased development speed you can change the entire up-front requirements and design processes. Especially when dealing with small-medium sized projects and even with large projects. Unlike traditional development where the requirements gathering, and design stages are to both clarify what’s been developed as well as mitigate the need for unnecessary and expensive course corrections or changes. With low-code the cost of change is considerably less, sometimes minuscule
. Therefore, the need to have a large requirement gathering and design phases changes.
Use cases for the Experieco digital factory in your organisation’s transformation initiatives:
Automating or improving organisational operations and workflows
Creating strong digital experiences for customers
Implementing new or modernising older core systems that help your business run efficiently and support competitive advantage.
What’s valuable about the Experieco digital factory?
It’s fast – 1 week sprints and deliverables. The focus is on minimum time to value.
A deep and highly skilled bench of rapid delivery experts from developers, solution architects, project managers, business analysts, UI/UX designers through to testers and commercial managers. Experieco employs highly skilled individuals both certified and experienced in Outsystems complemented with years of core system, process automation, integration and mobile solution experience.
Focus on highly quality
Our processes & methodologies are around applications that are ‘built for change’
We have a culture based around delivering cost effective minimum viable product (MVP) with continuous incremental enhancements.
Experieco has a big team of certified developers as well as strong alliances with the leading Outsystems practices across Australasia. This is to ensure we have the elasticity in our development team for our local customers that they need as well as access deep knowledge of complex low-code architectures and designs.
Contact Experieco to find out how OutSystems can help transform your business. Email info@experieco.com or call +64 9 376 9547