Digital Enablement for Utilities
Utility companies in New Zealand and Australia are all being challenged as industries transform, regulations change, and workforce demographics shift. All whilst focussing on better management of their distributed assets and reliability centred maintenance to keep costs down without compromising performance.
Many utilities have a myriad of older systems and data distributed across the organisation. The challenges mean utilities need the capability to make technology investments that can pivot and move as dynamically as the environment they operate in. The Experieco team have considerable experience with these challenges and offer a range of solutions to address them.
Integrate Much Faster
Getting multiple systems to talk to each other quickly and easily is essential in todays micro-service application architecture. Newer technologies speed up integration and process automation by as much as 60% or greater compared to traditional point-to-point or Enterprise Service Bus integration technologies.
Identity Management as a Service
Security is key in the modern digital world. When you have multiple identity management access scenarios across your business systems you need to have a great solution. Experieco can help your team set-up and deploy Auth0 to keep your system access secure yet flexible and easy to manage.

Access Data Faster
Data is the new gold. We’ve all heard that. Getting access to your data though can sometimes be much more difficult than it needs to be. Our team can help engineer a number of solutions to remove barriers and securely access the data you need to remain a market leader.
Scale Better with Cloud
Both Azure and AWS Cloud services bring immense value to businesses enhancing the way they operate. Our team can assess your operations and make recommendations on better leveraging these to reduce cost and improve performance.
Asset Management
Solutions today need to provide real intelligence to support an organisation achieving the goals of optimizing the management of their assets.
Experieco has partnered with Atos, a global technology giant, who have built the worlds first intelligent asset management solution on a low-code technology enabling rapid and easy customisation.
Automate Routine Finance and HR Tasks
There are a multitude of processes across finance and HR performed by people that don’t need to be. These can be automated to reduce operational costs and/or relocate resources to higher value tasks. More importantly automation can speed up access to month end results, invoicing and much more.

Automate your Processes
Throughout your business are processes performed by people. Automate the repetitive tasks and data calculations freeing up resources to focus on higher value outcomes. Depending on your existing technology stack, there are a number of solutions to implement automation.
Connected Field Service
Field Services for utilities is very closely aligned to the organisations ability to deliver cost effective services. And the more data collected out in the field related to service and maintenance tasks helps organisations achieve much better results.
Experieco has decades of experience building both simple and complex field service solutions. With MS Dynamics and OutSystems low code solutions our team will be able to help your organisation deliver the very latest in field service solutions.
Self-Service Portals
Digital portals can provide faster access to valuable data and enable self-service operations to minimise your in-house administrative workload. Portals can be a crucial part of enhancing performance and the experience for customers, suppliers and employees to make it easier for them to do business with you.